Mike Johnson tweeted the following:
"The Democrats could hire an entire army of Hollywood producers to try to boost their image and distract the electorate, but it wont change this simple fact: Their policies are destroying our countryand the people have had enough."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Johnson:
"Democrats have turned a blind eye to the SCOTUS leak, the resulting vandalism at pro-life organizations, and now open threats to SCOTUS justices. The only logical conclusion is that they APPROVE of the leak and intimidation tactics."Read on Twitter
"Biden's DOJ has labeled K-12 parents as domestic terrorists while ignoring left-wing activists terrorizing pro-life organizations.If Biden's DOJ actually cares about protecting communities, they will stop ignoring violence that doesnt suit their agenda and start investigating." on June 15Read on Twitter
"A would-be assassin was arrested last week outside of Justice Kavanaughs home and far Left pro-abortion groups are focusing now on the children of conservative justices.It is OUTRAGEOUS that 27 House Dems voted against providing additional security for these families!" on June 15Read on Twitter