Mike Johnson tweeted the following:
"In 2020, LA voters agreed to amend our states constitution to affirm our commitment to life, and the abortion industry here has been well aware ofand lobbied againstthese legal provisions all along. It is disingenuous for them to now claim they do not understand our statutes."
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Here are other recent tweets from Mike Johnson:
"This frivolous pleading will ultimately fail because Louisiana law is crystal clear. This trigger provision has been a part of our statutes since 2006, and it was strengthened most recently this year. twitter.com/axios/status/1"
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"This weekend, @KTBS replayed this story from a few years ago about our LIFE MARCH events here in Northwest LA.
What an encouragement it is to know that all the efforts and compassion of people of faith have never been in vain." on June 27
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What an encouragement it is to know that all the efforts and compassion of people of faith have never been in vain." on June 27
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"Why do I stand so strongly for the sanctity of life? Because every single person is made in the image of God and has inestimable dignity and value. And also because of my own personal story.
I shared a bit of that with @family_policy in this interview on Friday." on June 27
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I shared a bit of that with @family_policy in this interview on Friday." on June 27
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