Julia Letlow tweeted the following:
"This Administration isn't even trying to hide it anymore - they're willing to let the American people endure the pain at the pump and in their pocketbooks in order to prop-up these disastrous energy policies.foxnews.com/media/backlash"Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Julia Letlow:
"One of the most incredible parts of serving #LA05 in Congress is meeting some of our amazing veterans. It was an honor to officially present Jerry Hicks and Melvin Stephens with the medals to recognize their bravery, heroism, and service to our nation."Read on Twitter
"Congratulations to Grant Parishs own Gracie Reichman on being crowned as Miss Louisiana! thenewsstar.com/story/news/202" on June 19Read on Twitter
"This #FathersDay, our family is especially thankful for the love and support of two amazing men my father, Terry Barnhill, and my father-in-law, Johnny Letlow.We hope its a great day for the special father, father-in-law, grandfather, or father figure in your life!" on June 19Read on Twitter