Mike Johnson tweeted the following:
"Democrats have turned a blind eye to the SCOTUS leak, the resulting vandalism at pro-life organizations, and now open threats to SCOTUS justices. The only logical conclusion is that they APPROVE of the leak and intimidation tactics."Read on Twitter
Here are other recent tweets from Mike Johnson:
"Biden's DOJ has labeled K-12 parents as domestic terrorists while ignoring left-wing activists terrorizing pro-life organizations.If Biden's DOJ actually cares about protecting communities, they will stop ignoring violence that doesnt suit their agenda and start investigating." on June 15Read on Twitter
"A would-be assassin was arrested last week outside of Justice Kavanaughs home and far Left pro-abortion groups are focusing now on the children of conservative justices.It is OUTRAGEOUS that 27 House Dems voted against providing additional security for these families!" on June 15Read on Twitter
"TUNE IN:Our @HouseGOP members are heading to the House Floor to address President Biden's ongoing economic, border, and energy crises which are all taking a back seat to the House Democrats' political witch hunt.WATCH: live.house.gov" on June 15Read on Twitter